Dismantling white supremacy from the inside out

Are you a white anti-racist leader who wants to make more of a difference?
Do you:
Care deeply, AND want to translate that care into greater real-world results?
Feel that there must be even more impactful ways to act on your values than what you have figured out so far?
Want to get clear about your own path and contribution (not someone else’s — we’re all different) for dismantling white supremacy?
Need to know that your coaches are deeply and uniquely qualified in helping you with all this?
We have good news and bad news.
The bad news is, there are so many things happening in the world right now it can feel hard to know what to focus on, or how to make a true difference.
The good news is, we have tools, perspectives, and support to help you make a difference every day in how you show up, what you say, and in the ordinary decisions you make as you move through life.
The even better news is that this will benefit you, too — once white people begin to throw off white supremacy mythology, whole worlds open up.
The best news of all is, this will also be fun. If you resonate with us, we love you already and can’t wait to dive in to supporting and mentoring you through your unique anti-racist path.
We have room for just a few select clients. Honestly — that’s not a marketing tactic. We’re both full up, and also want to make room for a small handful of individuals or groups who deeply want this work.